Selasa, 20 Maret 2018

Jurnal Ecobuss  Vol 4 No 1 (2016): Maret 2016 



This research was conducted at the Famous Bridal Art collcetion in Kota Probolinggo with research objects such as Corporate Performance Measurement Analysis Using Balanced Scorecard Approach. This is done with the aim of analyzing the measurement of company performance with the balanced scorecard pendeketan Bridal Famous Art Collection in Kota Probolinggo, for the researchers to formulate the problem "How is the analysis of corporate performance measurement balanced scorecard approach at Bridal Famous Art Collection in Kota Probolinggo?" This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. Variables used in this research is a financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business processes, learning and growth perspective. The population used the financial statements of the sampled financial statements Year 2012-2014. Data analysis method used method of financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business processes, learning and growth perspective as well as the validity of the test. Results of the study financial perspective there are weaknesses due to the improvement and deterioration every year. Customer perspective has been as expected, it can be seen from the increasing number of customers each year. Perpsektif internal business processes demonstrate a good thing for the process of innovation and operations. Perpspektif learning and growth obtained from questionnaires so that employees can be considered satisfied. From four perspectives can be judged that the performance measures Famous Art Collection Bridal good enough.

Senin, 02 Oktober 2017

Satu Pohon untuk Sejuta Kehidupan

Salah satu kegiata pengabdan kepada mayarakat melibatkan Warga, Dosen, Ikatan Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam Fakultas Ekonomi (IMPAFE), undangan dan bekerjsa sama dengan Perhutani melakukan penanaman bibit pohon di Krucil

Kegiatan PK2

Kegiatan Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus (PK2) merupakan kegiatan orientasi mahasiswa baru yang diselengarakan oleh Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo, tujuan di antaranya pengenalan kampus, akademik kampus, sistem informasi akademik kampus, dan organisasi kemahasiswaan

P2 Maba Fakultas Ekonomi

Kegiatan orientasi mahasiswa baru Fakultas Ekonomi dikemas dalam Program Pengembangan Mahasiswa Baru (P2Maba). Secara garis besar kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk pengenalan Fakultas Ekonomi, dari Bidang Akademik, Bidang Keuangan dan Administrasi Umum, Bidang Kemahsiswan dan Organisasi Kemahsiswaan (DEMA dan BEM Fakultas Ekonomi) serta Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa tingkat fakultas. P2Maba diberlakukan bagi mahasiswa baru dan mahasiswa yang belum mngikuti kegiatan dimaksud.